Roadmap and Schedule
This week we’ve received many emails and questions, in Telegram, regarding the specific topics of:When is the Private Sale?
When is the launch?
The Private Sale is currently under construction, and there are a couple of strategic options on the table. We are heavily considering making a private sale with a couple of prominent influencers involved, merely for the opportunity of an open bounty program. If we decide on this option, we will send out the links to these bounty programs once initiated. Nevertheless, we hope you guys are excited for our excellent lineup of great influencers who cannot wait to get the party started!
The launch will occur in mid-July, as we will be launching Erc-20 first to give us time to fully build out Substrate Pallets to join the Polkadot ecosystem fully. We will not be joining Parachain auctions and currently plan on using a third party to integrate for cheap fees and a better system.
Please check the link for the future of PolkaParty!